01722 703 860

01722 703 860

01722 703 860
Salisbury Linen Services
Find out how we can help you
We are a specialist company of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust created to provide exceptional, value-for-money linen services at very high quality for hospitals and community trusts in the South of England.
Dedicated to meeting the healthcare needs and standards of the NHS in particular. SLS is a modern laundry, EN14065 accredited (highest healthcare linen infection control standard), staffed and managed by dedicated, highly-trained professionals who are committed to the highest standards of quality and customer service. We offer both Sterile and Non Sterile Linen Services.
We are a specialist company of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust created to provide exceptional, value-for-money linen services at very high quality for hospitals and community trusts in the South of England.
Dedicated to meeting the healthcare needs and standards of the NHS in particular. SLS is a modern laundry, EN14065 accredited (highest healthcare linen infection control standard), staffed and managed by dedicated, highly-trained professionals who are committed to the highest standards of quality and customer service. We offer both Sterile and Non Sterile Linen Services.
As a NHS company, SLS understands NHS healthcare requirements better than most other commercial laundries and recognises the demands placed on hospital directors and managers to maintain a sure and safe linen supply.
We know that we have to be flexible and responsive to meet your needs, and will work in partnership with you from the beginning to plan and deliver a high-quality service - striving always to do better than you expect.
As a NHS company, SLS understands NHS healthcare requirements better than most other commercial laundries and recognises the demands placed on hospital directors and managers to maintain a sure and safe linen supply.
We know that we have to be flexible and responsive to meet your needs, and will work in partnership with you from the beginning to plan and deliver a high-quality service - striving always to do better than you expect.
We have a proven track-record of excellence, backed by testimonials and references. We guarantee a reject rate of less than 1% (compared with the 3-5% industry standard), highly competitive prices and a consistent and reliable supply. It is our 'Salisbury' brand of quality-service that has already made us the first choice of NHS hospitals in the South of England. Now with increased capacity we're able to offer this service further afield. Backed-up by a partnership network of healthcare linen providers working to Salisbury’s exacting quality-assured standards, we have robust contingency arrangements in place for any foreseeable emergency situations and so will never let you down.
We have a proven track-record of excellence, backed by testimonials and references. We guarantee a reject rate of less than 1% (compared with the 3-5% industry standard), highly competitive prices and a consistent and reliable supply. It is our 'Salisbury' brand of quality-service that has already made us the first choice of NHS hospitals in the South of England. Now with increased capacity we're able to offer this service further afield. Backed-up by a partnership network of healthcare linen providers working to Salisbury’s exacting quality-assured standards, we have robust contingency arrangements in place for any foreseeable emergency situations and so will never let you down.
What our customers say
"Salisbury Linen Services (SLS) have been a provider to DCHFT for 5 years. During this time SLS have provided an efficient service, deliveries are on time, the drivers are polite, efficient and trustworthy. SLS will go above and beyond to assist with CIP savings and pushing forward new ideas. The cages are clean and well maintained. The linen returns are low due to their QA checks. Linen is of a high standard. Administration and day-to-day management is always prompt, efficient and we are kept informed of delays or shortages. Invoicing, MI and lost property are acted upon immediately. Assurances of the whole service delivery are is first class. SLS is a transparent supplier, who are willing to work with us in a partnership style of delivering this service."
Jackie Garland - Contract Manager FM, Estates, Medical, Pathology & Radiology
We were impressed with the positive approach Salisbury Linen Services took through the negotiating process. ISS recognise that this is a critical service and one that impacts directly on good patient care.
Chris Ash - Managing Director of ISS Healthcare